Hiring a one to one professional poker player can significantly improve your skills and increase your chances of success in professional poker.

1 -1 Coaching

  • Personalized coaching: A one to one professional poker player can provide personalized coaching that is tailored to your specific needs and weaknesses, which can help you improve faster and more effectively.

    Strategy development: A professional poker player can help you develop a winning strategy that is based on their experience and knowledge of the game, which can give you a competitive edge in the field.

    Emotional support: Professional poker can be a mentally challenging game, and having a coach who can provide emotional support and help you manage your emotions can be invaluable in maintaining your focus and making rational decisions at the table.


On the left you can see my Lifetime Profit Online, On the right you can see my Winrate since i came Back from my Break from Onlinepoker in 2022

Biggest achievements

  • In recent years, there have been many cities and tournaments in which I have played. the experiences have been a great learning experience for me. in this link you can see all the complete results.